
Saturday, July 4

Brainstorming a BRP Fantasy Campaign

Here is what I've sketched out so far;

Low Fantasy Adventures in the world of Rom'Myr;

1. Character Creation:

Only human characters may be chosen for race. The available human racial identities are Rom’Myr, and the Fir'Bax. Rom’Myr humans are citizens of the Blue Borderlands, the farthest province east in the realm of The Trackless Empire. Sandwiched between the Cold Heath and the Groaning Mountains the Rom'Myr of the Blue Borderlands trade for Bolfian Silk from the non-human desert nomads known as the Strangled. The land of Fir'Bax lies just north of the Blue Borderlands. Uncouth barbarians who scratch a living from the small arable land surrounding the high peaks of the Yani'Hor, the Groaning Mountains. They are extremely xenophobic and war incessintly with the Strangled. This small barbarian kingdom also resent the encroaching Rom'Myrians into their wilderness domain. 

1.1 Characteristics

The primary building blocks of your PC are the seven characteristics from Chaosium’s Basic Role Playing system. Roll 3d6 dice to determine the values of your character’s Characteristics; these being Strenght (STR), Constitution (CON), Size (SIZ), Intelligence (INT), Power (POW), Dexterity (DEX), and Charisma (CHA).

1.2 Attributes

These are based on your Characteristics. They are four in number; Damage Modifier (DM), Hit Points (HP), Major Wound Level (MWL), and Movement Rate (Move).

1.3 Common Skills

This is a list of skills that every PC would have a base knowledge in. They are modified by the PC’s Characteristics if applicable. Some of your Common Skills will be increased by the bonuses given by your chosen Character Class.

1.4 Character Class

Here you are able to shape your PC more to your liking. Choosing a character’s Class will give your PC some Advanced Skills, increase some of your Common Skills, and determine how much money the character has to spend on equipment before play begins.

1.4.1 Class available for selection are as follows; Acrobat, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Gladiator, Merchant, Thug, and Ranger. Class choice provides the following relevant characteristic and skill advantages; Acrobat; an entertainer in a bleak land devoid of joy. Your physical contortions provide a more subtle interest to the paying Lords then just flaying you alive would deliver.
Common Skill Bonuses: Athletics +25%, Unarmed Combat +25%.
Advanced Skill Bonuses: Choose either Teaching or Oratory and add +25%. Assassin; those of wealth got there by eliminating their enemies. These enemies are mostly eliminated by paying for murder from secret sects which practice this nefarious trade. You are one who was trained by one these mysterious battle cults.
Common Skill Bonuses: Stealth +25%.
Advanced Skill Bonuses: Choose either Disguise, Ranged Combat, or Tracking and add +25%. Barbarian; you find your home in the limitless wastes and wilderness of at the edge of a decaying civilization. 
Common Skill Bonuses: Ride +25%.
Advanced Skill Bonuses: Survival +25%. Druid; you claim understanding of the spirits and gods which walk unseen amongst man.  
Common Skill Bonuses: Insight +25%.
Advanced Skill Bonuses: Chose one of the following; Beliefs +25%, Lore +25%, or Seduction +25%.

Sample pantheon of Gods;

§  Valett, the Goddess of the Night, having the form of three-eyed warrior-maiden.
§  Hesrace, the God of Caverns and the Night, having the form of calm boy holding a hammer.
§  Baldecigail, the Goddess of and Mother of Lies, seen in dreams as hunting bear.
§  The Exalted God, having the form of fierce camel.
§  Fae, the Goddess of Travel and Woodlands, who visits in visions as abrasive woman holding a scroll.
§  Pelixa, the Goddess of Darkness and the Sextal Goddess, seen in dreams as a crone holding a knife.
§  Feliah, the Goddess of , most often depicted as howling hag.
§  Fryssa, the Unspeakable Goddess, visible to mortals only as abrasive crocodile.
§  Daliica, the Goddess of Wealth, who appears as attractive pregnant woman with the scaly skin of a crocodile.
§  Angiara, Princess of Spiders, having the form of a warrior-maiden holding an obelisk.
§  Reytan, the God of Fate and Patron of justiciars, seen in dreams as crow with horns like an auroch.
§  Suselda, the Goddess of Sin and Queen of Magic, most often depicted as fat cat with the head of a snake.

etc, more to come...

So yeah, I think fleshing out some of these traditional AD&D classes into a simple BRP scheme on top of a flinty fantasy world built from a limited world palate will give me all I need for a wildly fantastic game world. Obvious adventures available within the starting small sandbox would be Deep Cavern Observatory and the free module Sky-Stone-River-Place found over at

After that gut some of the desert and mountain modules from D&D, reskin them with pulpy sensibilities, and pillage all the new content being presented on G+ sources. You should have players turning grey before their time!

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