
Friday, September 18

Anchor Podcast Question & Answer

 I've been receiving questions on the VTPs podcast from long time compatriot from across the pond, Mark Grehen, on how we been running games here on the Press. Specifically, we have been talking about what we have seen in the many different playbacks available at the VTP YouTube Channel. 

I've got more questions to go through from Mark, but here is our latest exchange on Anchor, the simplest way to do a podcast! :)


  1. Hi, the issues that happen on a few actual play pod/vid casts are mainly audio ones, people not using headphones so you get that echo issue, mute to talk mix ups, eating or slurping things when still on Mike. It's getting better now but I occasionally still hear people just using the mic and speakers on their laptops which is a bit of a mess. Also the way updates tend to mess around with your p.c settings allowing a little pre game time to make sure everything still works is handy I think everyone has had that "can you hear me now" moment.
    You and your players seem to have a good set up everyone comes across loud and clear and apart from the odd sneeze fairly soothing to the ears 🙂 which got me wondering about your set up.

    1. The set up Mark is basically a quality mic on my pair of headphones. Using audio editing software also allows me to "normalize" and add "compression" which smooths out levels and may get rid of some pops and noise.


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