
Tuesday, November 19

British Cavalry Halt the II Corp

Wellington's right flank, and the ridge line it hangs off of, is of critical importance to holding the entire Allied Line across the field of battle. In the game, it seems, just as much as it did historically. It is what I see from current positions in the middle of turn 24. Napoleon's last reserves, the Imperial Guard, attempted to take this section of ridge line late in the day, and failed. This marked the end of the Battle of Waterloo, and the French's chance of winning it.

I'm attempting to take the same section of field much earlier, and with the entire II Corp! My real-life opponent is responding by massing a significant cavalry force to charge down the hill, across the open ground, and crash into II Corp's 9th Division. If successful he would be able to cause a general rout in most of the II Corp. 

In response I massed II Corp artillery batteries, 24 guns in all, and blasted the oncoming horde. The massed allied charge was broken up and repulsed, but at the cost of the artillery crews of all three batteries being trampled and put to the sword.

The good news is the assault is still on! III Cavalry Corp will pass by my silent guns with 9th and 5th IDs following. Skirmish units will be detached to reman the guns, and once on the ridge line the field will be mine!!!!

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