
Wednesday, November 27

Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes AP House Rules & Custom Character Sheet

Inspired by DC Heroes Attribute Point system, I propose some House Rules to support a more cinematic, pulp-paced adventure genre with the game's Adventure Points (APs).

When rolling a Saving Throw, APs may be spent to score "doubles". The cost is the difference between the two dice. The number of "Pips" it takes to make the dice equal. Then the dice are tossed again, and so on. If at any time double "Ones" (Snake Eyes) are thrown the action attempted is a failure, and no further rolls may be made.

Now, the experience point system, the method in which Adventure Points (APs) are awarded, does not need to be attached to this mechanic. For each session/adventure arc, each PC gets Adventure Points to spend in this way equal to their Luck score. This is perfect for this genre's cinematic, pulp nature of adventures. If the GM intends to run a realistic, gritty game, this mechanic should not be used. 

I also found the "official" character sheet/folder for the game dreadful. This is not unusual. Many companies cannot get their character sheets right. Therefore, I have made my own custom sheet for the game. Feel free to download it here and use it freely in all your fantastic adventures.

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