
Modern NPC Personality Profile

Here is the way I've been using these two buttons. Any facts and/or traits which, in my opinion, conflict with each other, pairings which cause me to much dissonance, I cancel out. Cross out both of them. Because I'm not intent on utilizing the entire generated description. I'm interested in coming up with a rather complete personality profile for the new NPC which somehow has become required to the scene. 

Sometimes when I hit these generators I'm only looking for, or needing, one description to use. NPCs fleeting in nature seldom require much more.  The other way I will use these buttons is to try and use as many of the descriptors as I can. This exercise I employ when the NPC needed deserves more nuanced, complex character profiles.   


  1. I'd like to see all the possible results for each listing. Like all the different results you could get for energy, Thrift morals xcetera

  2. if you right click on the "character traits" button, and display source code, you can find the list used (e.g. `General Tendencies-`+[` Optimist`,` Pessimist`,` Hedonist`,` Altruist`,` Helpful/kindly`,` Careless`,` Capricious/Mischievous`,` Sober`,` Curios/Inquisitive`,` Moody`,` Trusting`,` Suspicious/Cautious`,` Precise/Exacting`,` Perceptive`,` Opinionated/Contrary`,` Violent/Warlike`,` Studious`,` Foul/Barbaric`,` Cruel/Callous`,` Practical Joker`,` Servile/Obsequies`,` Fanatical/Obsessive`,` Malevolent`,` Loquacious`]


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