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Wednesday, November 27

Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes AP House Rules & Custom Character Sheet

Inspired by DC Heroes Attribute Point system, I propose some House Rules to support a more cinematic, pulp-paced adventure genre with the game's Adventure Points (APs).

When rolling a Saving Throw, APs may be spent to score "doubles". The cost is the difference between the two dice. The number of "Pips" it takes to make the dice equal. Then the dice are tossed again, and so on. If at any time double "Ones" (Snake Eyes) are thrown the action attempted is a failure, and no further rolls may be made.

Now, the experience point system, the method in which Adventure Points (APs) are awarded, does not need to be attached to this mechanic. For each session/adventure arc, each PC gets Adventure Points to spend in this way equal to their Luck score. This is perfect for this genre's cinematic, pulp nature of adventures. If the GM intends to run a realistic, gritty game, this mechanic should not be used. 

I also found the "official" character sheet/folder for the game dreadful. This is not unusual. Many companies cannot get their character sheets right. Therefore, I have made my own custom sheet for the game. Feel free to download it here and use it freely in all your fantastic adventures.

Thursday, November 21

Holdings of the Zombie Queen

I would love to run a campaign of Encounter Critical!, for money though, and if I am going to charge I should have a decent idea of what the Mighty World of Vanth looks like where the game starts. I think I want to start PCs in the north east of the continent. From the Slaver Kingdoms in the north all the way down to The Forbidden Waste and the Unknown Highway. The names for areas of western Vanth all have a fantasy taint to them. I want to stay more gonzo space fantasy. Steel Warlords, Ape Sultans, and Darth Viraxis feel more in line with Mad Max/Gamma World then does City of Blackhawk and the Silent Glade. Though the City of Bloodhaven may have promise and The Limb Traders is dope as hell.

But my eyes are irresistibly drawn to the Holdings of the Zombie Princess. I envision a cracked, dead land endlessly broken by narrow ravines, carved over millennia by acid-rain storms driven by violent, pale winds. The Princess's Keep, her Holdings themselves, are these same cataracts found everywhere else in the realm repurposed by the gods for who knows what purpose. The Zombie Princess uses them as a vast subterranean prison to cage the living and her hungry horde of Zombie Armies. 

It is very difficulty to travel the land without a knowledgeable guide, someone who knows how to navigate the twisted and blasted landscape without getting hopelessly lost. Unfortunately this leaves only the feral ghouls which haunt the black corners as such people, and they are more interested in eating you then being of service. The numerous cannibal tribes of dead flesh eaters nightly crave live sacrifice for their evil rites spoken in ghastly gibberish. These hungry hordes plague their nearby neighbors with continuous raids and infuriate the Slave Lords the most. Passing the Holdings along the Unknown Highway has become untenable, and the Klengons refuse any entry to their mountain colonies to the east. If the Slaver Kingdoms need to search westward for buyers, the people of the east become the supply of new slaves being sold in the other direction. Viraxis would not want to see their situation reversed, and has agreed to assist in a joint venture to gather intel on the Zombie Princess's power and strength. Enter the PCs who now must travel through the Holdings and seek court with the ruler of the dead. To find out what it will take to curtail ghouls raiding the Unknown Highway. 

I would crib T2-T4 The Temple of Elemental Evil for the underground city of the Zombie Princess. I'll read over the module itself and see if anything else is worth lifting, or just the maps.

Tuesday, November 19

British Cavalry Halt the II Corp

Wellington's right flank, and the ridge line it hangs off of, is of critical importance to holding the entire Allied Line across the field of battle. In the game, it seems, just as much as it did historically. It is what I see from current positions in the middle of turn 24. Napoleon's last reserves, the Imperial Guard, attempted to take this section of ridge line late in the day, and failed. This marked the end of the Battle of Waterloo, and the French's chance of winning it.

I'm attempting to take the same section of field much earlier, and with the entire II Corp! My real-life opponent is responding by massing a significant cavalry force to charge down the hill, across the open ground, and crash into II Corp's 9th Division. If successful he would be able to cause a general rout in most of the II Corp. 

In response I massed II Corp artillery batteries, 24 guns in all, and blasted the oncoming horde. The massed allied charge was broken up and repulsed, but at the cost of the artillery crews of all three batteries being trampled and put to the sword.

The good news is the assault is still on! III Cavalry Corp will pass by my silent guns with 9th and 5th IDs following. Skirmish units will be detached to reman the guns, and once on the ridge line the field will be mine!!!!

Saturday, November 16

Copilot for Character Creation

 What the hell, I decided to see if I could get Microsoft Edge to do the work of creating characters for my different games. Here is my first attempt.

roll-up a mercenaries, spies, and private eyes character who is a Portuguese mercenary working as a bouncer in Lisbon Portugal.

Sure thing! Let's create a character for "Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes" who is a Portuguese mercenary working as a bouncer in Lisbon, Portugal. 

Character: João "The Shield" Silva

Background: João Silva, known as "The Shield" in the underground circles, is a seasoned mercenary with a storied past. Born and raised in Lisbon, João grew up in the rough neighborhoods where he learned to fight and survive. After serving in the Portuguese military, he transitioned into mercenary work, taking on various assignments across Europe and Africa. Now, he works as a bouncer at a popular nightclub in Lisbon, using his skills to keep the peace and protect the establishment.


  • Strength (ST): 15

  • Intelligence (IQ): 12

  • Luck (LK): 10

  • Constitution (CON): 14

  • Dexterity (DEX): 13

  • Charisma (CHR): 11

  • Speed (SP): 12


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (HTH): 3

  • Firearms (Pistol): 2

  • Observation: 2

  • Streetwise: 3

  • Intimidation: 4

  • First Aid: 1

  • Driving: 1

  • Languages: Portuguese (native), English (fluent), Spanish (conversational)


  • Weapon: Glock 17 (Pistol)

  • Armor: Kevlar Vest

  • Gear: Tactical flashlight, handcuffs, first aid kit, radio

Personality: João is tough and no-nonsense, with a strong sense of duty and loyalty. He is fiercely protective of those he cares about and has a soft spot for the underdog. Despite his rough exterior, he is known for his fairness and integrity.

Appearance: João is a tall, muscular man with a rugged appearance. He has short, dark hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and piercing blue eyes. He often wears a black leather jacket and jeans, blending in with the nightclub's clientele while remaining ready for action.

Backstory: João's military career was marked by bravery and skill, earning him several commendations. However, the horrors of war left him disillusioned, leading him to leave the military and seek a new path. His mercenary work took him to conflict zones where he honed his combat skills and developed a network of contacts. Now, as a bouncer, he uses his experience to maintain order and protect the club's patrons from trouble.

I hope you enjoy playing as João "The Shield" Silva in your game! If you need any more details or adjustments, feel free to ask.

Thursday, November 7

SPI's Wellington's Victory Actual Play - with someone else!

 I forget the movie, but the Lead asks the crowd "How many of you have had sex?" After several raise their hands, the Lead clarifies, "Other than with yourselves!" What hands were raised now descend.

I'm reminded of this scene anytime I talk about playing wargames. Ask me if I play, arm shoots straight up with second-hand support and bouncing in my seat up and down. Let the other shoe drop, though, and my hand will meekly come down. Yes, most of my wargaming is a solo enterprise. I was in the Bonnie Brae (now defunct) game store one day buying GMT's The Battle for North Africa and the clerk comes up to me to ask whether I plan on playing the game or was I just a "collector"? Ouch dude, thanks for reminding me I have no friends. I don't want to be a game "collector", but only playing solo games with Vassal (before it was set up the game one afternoon and have it taken down four hours later, un-played, because there is no room for it to stay up) makes my physical copies of some great games just that. A collection. I prefer to be a player of games, not a collector. 

But the amount of time I have been able to play with someone else any of these table-top board wargames tells me if it was not for the collectors I would not, as a player, have an industry to shop. 

And desperately groping for a physical gaming connection did get me to post some solo play online. Which led to a fine gaming enthusiast reaching out to me suggesting a play of SPI's monster wargame Wellington's Victory

You could not pick a game I am more willing to play than Wellington's Victory. We agreed to use Tabletop Simulator for the gaming software, and Steam for the gaming platform. I have never used TTS before, but it is a better choice for live face-to-face play than Vassal. This is because the software goes out of its way to simulate leaning over an actual game board, shuffling pieces, and rolling die. 

We are playing RAW, the Historical Scenario, and have played a total of 13 turns. As the French I decided to implement an En Echelon attack, beginning with a historical opening assault on the Chateaux Hougomont. To my surprise, my opponent backed off of this "hardpoint" and has left my divisions of the II Corp free to isolate and surround the farmhouse. 

In the center I push forward two divisions from D'elorn's I Corp and as much artillery as I can muster and begin my attack on La Hay Sant-whatever. Holding this farmhouse in the center and free-reign over Hougomont I should be able to push the Allied forces off the top of the ridge.

Here is a link to a great review of this game by a blogger, really worth the read. Maps & Counters

Wednesday, November 6

Marvel FASERIP to DC Heroes MEGS Conversion Calculator

My superhero game of choice is Mayfair's DC Heroes ttrpg, an out-of-print game from the Eighties, specifically the 3rd edition. The game system is commonly known as MEGS, Mayfair Exponential Game System. This choice was made for the simple reason it works best for me the way I like to run a game of supers. And this conclusion was reached after playing with Champions, Prowlers & Paragons, The Hero Instant, V&V, GURPS, Icons, Mutants & Masterminds, Supergame, and some others fairly niche and obscure. So, I feel solid with my choice, and have been running a satisfying game for several 
years online.

But there is only so much printed adventure material available stat'ed-up for the system. This has made for me to find ways to do conversions of other game systems into MEGS terms. 

The simplest conversion method is to plug in the values I believe the character or gadget, vehicle, etc. should have. This is made easy with MEGS, writing these characters and features up takes no time. But many times, I actually want to see how my players stack up against known superhero properties, and of course, how they stack up against each other. Fortunately, we have both DC and Marvel properties written-up for ttrpg's and this gives us all baseline data to know how players are going to do against She Hulk, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Superman, etc. There is even a conversion guide for Marvel Super Heroes/DC Heroes and back again already written. 

Problem is, I cannot make sense of the conversion guide found at the most excellent Classic Marvel Forever site (for everything related to the MarvelSuper Heroes Roleplaying Game published by TSR from 1984 to the early 1990's), so I have come up with my own. I am not saying the guides prepared by John Stafford are flawed in any way. They appear to be comprehensive and finely grained... but damned if I can see the conversion. And I am not saying I am an expert on the FASERIP system. I've played a few sessions of TSR's game, and I get it just fine, but I run games of MEGS.

Therefore, this conversion calculator is designed to work with the way I like to prep for live play. Quickly! I'm not concerned with the calculator being necessarily backward compatible, either. That is, converting MEGS characters into FASERIP characters. It is designed simply for the purpose of quickly converting FASERIP stats over to MEGS stats. To reduce it even a step more, the conversion calculator is to get at a Marvel character I want to crib for a villain in my current campaign and butter up that NPC biscuit fast!

Marvel Superheroes uses descriptive names for attribute values as opposed to numerical values. Oh, the numerical values are there. Just buried behind a thin patina of (useful) narrative flair. These terms are, from weakest to strongest; Shift 0, Feeble, Poor, Typical, Good, Excellent, Remarkable, Incredible, Amazing, Monstrous, Unearthly, Shift X, Shift Y, Shift Z, Class 1000, Class 3000, and "Beyond". I'm simply converting these named values into AP (Attribute Point) equivalents.

 0 AP = Shift 0

 1 AP = Feeble

 2 AP = Poor

 3 AP = Typical (My baseline assumption)

 4 AP = (10) Good

 5 AP = Excellent

 6 AP = Remarkable

 7 AP = Incredible

 8 AP = Amazing

 9 AP = Monstrous

10 AP = (100) Unearthly

11 AP = Shift X

12 AP = Shift Y

13 AP = Shift Z

14 AP = Class 1000

15 AP = Class 3000

16 AP = Class 5000

17 AP = Beyond

If I were to get cute I would find places to "jump" an AP to more closely the exponential curve of awesomeness which these fictitious numbers represent. For example. 

-5 AP = Shift 0

-1 AP = Feeble

 1 AP = Poor

 3 AP = Typical (My baseline assumption)

 4 AP = Good

 5 AP = Excellent

 6 AP = Remarkable

 7 AP = Incredible

 8 AP = Amazing

 9 AP = Monstrous

10 AP = Unearthly

12 AP = Shift X

14 AP = Shift Y

16 AP = Shift Z

20 AP = Class 1000

25 AP = Class 3000

35 AP = Class 5000

50 AP = Beyond

Now to transpose these "results" into MEGS Attributes and Powers and such. For me it is most important to have a correlation with the MEGS standard attribute matrix, how the attributes are not only valued, but whether they are rooted in Physical, Mental, or Magical class of attribute. If I can't fill up the attribute matrix then I cannot have any conversion. 

FASERIP stands for the list of attributes used by Marvel Superhero characters. These seven attributes are Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche. This does leave me two attributes shy of MEGS 9-attribute spread, but it is not unusual for different systems to have a different number of "attributes" for defining a character in game terms. I will work with what I have first.

Fighting = Martial Arts Skill. Yes, this does give any converted Marvel character to have Martial Arts skill in a DC game, but having characters with exceptional fighting skills, no matter how they are defined or acquired, is not a hard proposition to swallow in a superhero game. It does mean I now have to hand-wave three MEGS attributes, not two.

Agility = Dexterity. 

Strength = Strength.

Endurance = Body.

Reason = Intelligence.

Intuition = Influence.

Psyche = Mind.

Nothing too complicated here. The relations are rather organic and reasonable. For an example let us now look at She Hulk, a fantastic Marvel superhero, and write her up as a DC Heroes character!

Her Fighting of Remarkable gives her Martial Arts at 6 AP. Agility of Excellent gives a DEX of 5 AP. Strength of Unearthly offers a power level of 10 AP. The last of the three physical attributes is Body, and Endurance is are obvious corollary. 8 AP for Body. 

But FASERIP does have numbers for these words. I put them in () above so their progression can be easily seen. Should this be considered when making these kinds of conversions? If Good has a standard ranking number of 10, what are the APs for a ranking number of 100, which is Unearthly. Is 10 APs ten-times greater than 4 APs? Enough to matter? 5 APs is twice, 6 APs is three times, 7 APs are four times greater....7x greater. By my scale Unearthly is only 7x greater than Good, not 10x. That is a problem. Let us consider a solution...