The VTT feels like a video game to me. Probably because, like ttrpgs, in the seventies consul and arcade video games were in their infancy. And contrary to popular opinion, most gamers knew ttrpgs were what they had been looking for all this time, but just didn't know it. The game, the concept of the game was dead simple and easily understood. I do remember as a wee child being bored with Monopoly, Clue, Candyland (makes a great drinking game though), Stratego, and Risk. I had been exposed to tactical wargames before I was double digits, and if was going to move counters around the board they better be able to blow hell out of the countryside. But before all this, I only had paperback fiction delivering the imaginative excitement I craved. When Arneson and Gygax put the chocolate with the peanut butter what I needed had been just born. I cannot be the only one the first time someone told you about this game Dungeons & Dragons you got it. The lightbulb didn't just turn on, it exploded. I didn't have any of these game books and boxed sets until '81. What I did have was enticing rumors of this game, what it looked like, where you could find it and who was playing it near you. These trails, these breadcrumbs were everything like a classic Call of Cthulhu game. I was searching secrets many did not know. Picture a seven-year old hanging around the roller skating rink investigating the whereabouts of some person I never met who might know a little something about DnD.
Contact Information:
Thursday, February 6
VTT and the Original Dark Magic
The VTT feels like a video game to me. Probably because, like ttrpgs, in the seventies consul and arcade video games were in their infancy. And contrary to popular opinion, most gamers knew ttrpgs were what they had been looking for all this time, but just didn't know it. The game, the concept of the game was dead simple and easily understood. I do remember as a wee child being bored with Monopoly, Clue, Candyland (makes a great drinking game though), Stratego, and Risk. I had been exposed to tactical wargames before I was double digits, and if was going to move counters around the board they better be able to blow hell out of the countryside. But before all this, I only had paperback fiction delivering the imaginative excitement I craved. When Arneson and Gygax put the chocolate with the peanut butter what I needed had been just born. I cannot be the only one the first time someone told you about this game Dungeons & Dragons you got it. The lightbulb didn't just turn on, it exploded. I didn't have any of these game books and boxed sets until '81. What I did have was enticing rumors of this game, what it looked like, where you could find it and who was playing it near you. These trails, these breadcrumbs were everything like a classic Call of Cthulhu game. I was searching secrets many did not know. Picture a seven-year old hanging around the roller skating rink investigating the whereabouts of some person I never met who might know a little something about DnD.
Saturday, February 1
Savage Sword, the BRP version of Adventures in Xoth
human-centric sword and sorcery game, which we all know resulted in Deluxe USR Sword & Sorcery. Now, twelve years later, and I am once again a serious fan of Chaosium's BRP game system! In the last decade I have thoroughly explored the game systems of Dungeons and Dragons and lots of the OSR retro-clones, Classic Traveller, Space Opera, Clockwork & Cthulhu, Champions, DC Heroes, Cyberpunk 2020, MS&PI's. Some of these systems I had played with before, some it was my first time running the system. And others... I just plain forget all the games I've done a deep dive into since 2012.
There are so many rich rewards I have gained from all this, and the one I am talking about tonight is how much the BRP system suits me. A truly great universal game system it is. You can pick up any of their different types of games and play them all with a brief refresher on the buffs, and options being used which make the games, while using the same system, all having their own unique aspects. Rule tweaks, optional rules, powers, abilities, skills- under it all is just a d100 roll for success mechanic. Combat rules in each different game (Call of Cthulhu and its immense list of specific genre-takes, Runequest, Pendragon, Magic World, Superworld, hundreds of fan-made systems for a specific purpose...
This is all to say, I feel BRP is the best system to run human-centric, pulp-fantasy sword and sorcery tales. If written "right". I am in the process of writing up the rules for Savage Sword, Fantastic Pulp-Fantasy Adventures in a Primordial World. And this world is the tremendous campaign setting Xoth, a creation of Morten Bretan.
I will be importing all the things I have learned about game systems, tables, random charts and use the coherence of Chaosium's BRP to put it all together. Character Creation is as streamlined as I could make it, skill resolution and task resolution are a snap. Combat system, including simultaneous hand-to-hand combat, is the chariot of this ride. Yes, I love pulp sword & sorcery because of the limb-lopping and corpse-strewn trails of gore! And the combat system has to reflect this. One of the easiest tweaks is to reserve Critical Hits and Critical Successes for PCs only. NPCs... sure they can fumble, but the average gate guard is not going to be the cur slicing your head off. Important NPCs, the important villain will get all the combat bells and whistles, but there are going to be mook rules.You know how Stormbringer resolved this design "question"? They gave Elric an 880% skill level with his hell-sword. Basically it allows this top-tier warrior 9 attacks a combat turn! Now, I am not one for bloated skill levels, but it works because it is BRP, and because it is sword and sorcery in the worlds of Michael Moorcock where the heroes reach god-like proportions. I will be tackling this design question differently, just like every other iteration of the BRP system does.
Thursday, January 16
Even Heroes Bleed is Back on the Air
I mean, the Vanishing Tower house game has been going steady. We are live streaming the session. But it has been a year since I downloaded a recorded session and created an edited audio of the session for snappy play back! 13 months actually. Since an edited audio of the session is the only thing I can stomach to listen, I have got myself out of my omnipresent god-like vision which has me aware of everything which is going on in the Capitol City universe. Not good. This is a supers game so the subplots and NPC threads are like a busted can of spaghetti-oos on vinyl, spread out everywhere!
Sunday, January 5
How to be a Professional Game Master
Like many things in this hobby, you just need to get up and go at it! I'm "in-between" jobs right now so I decided I needed to generate some income via my life long passion, TTRPGs. You are going to need, want, and should set up a profile on startplaying dot games.
And a thumbnail. A really good thumbnail. Since people have only one way to see choices and make selections your front end pitch has to beat thousands of others vying for the same euro and dollar.
Move to a foreign country. Unless you already live somewhere that doesn't use the euro or dollar as their currency. Then stay right where you are and rise to the top 20% of income earners! Living in a third world country with their own currency will make the money you make from players exponentially "more";Constantly churn options. If an offering isn't getting any hits you need to toss it and put up something new. The internet is a loop, continually spewing content like a news ticker at the bottom of your television screen. You need to be constantly feeding this loop with intriguing and flashy offerings.
5E and Curse of Strahd. Be prepared to run a whole lot of this. Whatever WotC/Hasbro is doing you need to be right in their back pocket mimicking. In fact it is best to consider yourself a Mimic. An alluring trap which can change faces instantly. Then hang on with all you got and never let these people go. You need to shadow their life constantly and..... no, no, no, none of that.
But marketing, marketing, marketing is the nit to crack to get steady money from the gig. I have been up and posting just this last week and have had one gig. This is from doing it all wrong and just winging it, like I do any game session. Hopefully I can turn this into some regular cash money so I never have to leave the house! Or where pants for that matter.
Monday, December 2
How to Play TTRPGs Solo
This stuff is easy. Just like the concept of ttrpgs is
dead-simple. You are going to have to make shit up. And I mean you. There is no
other active entity in a solo game. I am at work right now, but I can put
something together here in a flash for an example. I’m in the break room, what
do I have to work with. I don’t even have a concept/genre/idea… nothing. Cold
start. I have a nice, elongated sticky notepad. Perfect for recording a simple
character. Not that I must make a simple character for my game. I can spend as
much time on character creation and any other aspect of the game I want. I’m
just not in the mood, and I want to run this fast.
I will define the character with 3 stats. Action, Wits, and Moxie. You roll a 1d6, which becomes your character’s “score” in their attribute. I roll a 4, a 3, and a 6. This unknown, yet-to-be-decided PC has an Action score of 4, a Wits score of 3, and a Moxie of 6, a real charmer! But what will this character be expected to do?
For this, I need to know what the genre and the adventure will be. Ah, another random piece of paper. This has the company’s Secret Santa Questionnaire. Not a bad idea actually. Instead of just pulling a person’s name out of a hat, the name comes with likes, sizes, and “favorites”. A list of questions to help a person purchase a more useful gift than some innocuous piece of trash.
Counting off the entries I
can apply a 2-12 graduation on one table and (after crossing out chocolate or
vanilla) 1-6 items on the second. I write these numbers next to each list item.
I now have two random lists to start generating ideas. Even better, the first
list is a list of leading questions called Favorites. So I can just go stream
of consciousness and fill out the list with the first things that come to
mind. Color: Red, Food: Pizza, Snack: Cookie Dough, Store: Kohl’s, Brand: Eddie
Bauer, Scent: Eggs, Movie: Jaws, Show: and Tell, Hobby: Hunting, and Restaurant:
McDonald's. I roll 8, eggs. Scent of eggs. Do not know what I am going to do
with this yet, but eggs always speak of aliens and horrible hatchlings to me.
See the solo roleplaying began literally just thinking about
what and how I am going to do it? You notice I do not even have any rules for
the game yet. Well, I do know how characters are created. I’m not even using an existing system, I am just making shit up.
Like I do when I run a game. Okay, the next list is a short list titled This or
That. I roll a 2, Books or Movies? I will let the dice decide. Movies it is.
Okay, movies, so modern. How about a Drive-In showing the movie
Jaws? So the main character is at the drive in watching the movie Jaws. And
then there is the scent of eggs? Something starts hatching. On the ground,
under the cars. That is kind of creepy. But still, who is this person? All his
stats are good. Especially Moxie. Good looking, charming, physically fit but with average intelligence, and wits. This guy is a damn teenager. Everyone looks good
when they are young! But what does Jimmy do? Yes, I decided on a name. Actually,
many things are going on now, and being decided on. This is full-on solo
roleplaying. Everything is being created at the moment, I had no idea where
this would go at the outset, and people are eating lunch and talking loudly
because I work at an airport and drive a fuel truck up to planes.
Jimmie Dallas from Oregon is watching the movie Jaws at the
drive-in with his date. And I have already decided something is going to hatch
from eggs and start attacking everyone. But what? And why? Bring on the power
of entertainment! I mull over these thin details built in so far and let
something bubble up. Here we go,
“300,000 years ago a spaceship passing through our solar
system ejected a toxic, biological experiment. A clutch of eggs. This dangerous
discharge found its way into Earth’s gravitational pull and plummeted into the
ice of the frozen north. To lay buried inert in the ice for a very, very long
time. Now with climate change, the permafrost of the frozen north is starting to
melt. Methane gas emissions are increasing. So okay, yeah, just moved Jimmie up
into the Yukon. He is Canadian. And so is his girlfriend, Claire. The rising
temperatures have activated the eggs to begin their dormant evolutionary cycle
and are now emerging from the Earth! Right under the cars of a bunch of horny
It is at this point you have enough information to roleplay
for hours, with or without rolling dice. Just start asking yourself questions
and answer them. If you cannot decide, roll the dice. Here is where I went…
Jimmie is a typical cocky teen with a pickup truck and a
shotgun. He works as a lumberjack and is out of school. Claire is the most
popular girl in town, and he is making his move. Now I quickly roll up Claire.
She is going to have a minimum Moxie of 3, Jimmy is very object-orientated. Not
looking for sparkling conversation. I do roll a 3, so it is her 3 versus Jim’s
6 to see if he can get to third base. Once again, here you can roleplay the
shit out of this. In any direction you want to go. Everything is appropriate. Have
a conversation with the characters, or not. Think up details on the town they
live in, or not. Because it is a solo game. Nothing is off-limits. My rolls end
up with Jimmy at least getting a blow job in the back of the truck, but she isn’t
ready to fuck him.
So, Jaws is playing, teenagers are doing their heavy petting
in their cars and trucks, and Jimmy Dallas can’t help but notice there is a
struggle going on in the car in front of him. Jim chuckles. Someone is not as
smooth a talker as I am. Self-satisfied smirk. But wait, this is serious. The
woman is screaming! Motherfucker! Decisions, decisions. Roll some dice, Jimmy can’t
stand by. He pulls his pants up, Claire asks what is wrong. “Look” he yells and
points. Now the girl has got out of the car. More like fallen out of the car.
She is crying and shrieking on the ground, crawling frantically away. Then
something unknown, unexplainable, something truly awful reaches out from the
car and grabs her back in. Her shrieks peel ever louder as she is ripped to
shreds by the alien thing. Now Jim can see these blubbering flesh monstrosities coming out of the ground all over the place. “We got to go!” he says to Claire
as he jumps into the front seat of the truck, fumbling for the keys. Then
they are struck from the side. Another vehicle, its driver panicking, slams
into the side of his Dodge truck. Does he black out…?
And now there is a call for another fuel order and I got
to stop. But that is how you solo roleplay! I don’t even need to take this any
further if I don’t want to or keep on going some other time. Doesn’t matter. It
is all made-up, non-real stuff. I entertained myself for twenty minutes with
all this shit, mission accomplished.
Wednesday, November 6
Marvel FASERIP to DC Heroes MEGS Conversion Calculator
Problem is, I cannot make sense
of the conversion guide found at
the most excellent Classic Marvel Forever site (for everything
related to the MarvelSuper Heroes Roleplaying Game published by TSR from 1984 to
the early 1990's), so I have come up with my own. I am not saying the
guides prepared by John Stafford are flawed in any way. They appear to be
comprehensive and finely grained... but damned if I can see the conversion. And
I am not saying I am an expert on the FASERIP system. I've played a few
sessions of TSR's game, and I get it just fine, but I run games of MEGS.
Therefore, this conversion
calculator is designed to work with the way I like to prep for live play.
Quickly! I'm not concerned with the calculator being necessarily backward
compatible, either. That is, converting MEGS characters into FASERIP
characters. It is designed simply for the purpose of quickly
converting FASERIP stats over to MEGS stats. To reduce it even a step more, the
conversion calculator is to get at a Marvel character I want to crib for a
villain in my current campaign and butter up that NPC biscuit fast!
Marvel Superheroes uses
descriptive names for attribute values as opposed to numerical values. Oh, the
numerical values are there. Just buried behind a thin patina of (useful)
narrative flair. These terms are, from weakest to strongest; Shift 0, Feeble, Poor, Typical,
Good, Excellent, Remarkable, Incredible, Amazing, Monstrous, Unearthly, Shift
X, Shift Y, Shift Z, Class 1000, Class 3000, and "Beyond". I'm simply converting these named values into AP (Attribute
Point) equivalents.
0 AP = Shift 0
1 AP = Feeble
2 AP = Poor
3 AP = Typical (My baseline assumption)
4 AP = (10) Good
5 AP = Excellent
6 AP = Remarkable
7 AP = Incredible
8 AP = Amazing
9 AP = Monstrous
10 AP = (100) Unearthly
11 AP = Shift X
12 AP = Shift Y
13 AP = Shift Z
14 AP = Class 1000
15 AP = Class 3000
16 AP = Class 5000
17 AP = Beyond
If I were to get cute I would find places to "jump" an AP to more closely the exponential curve of awesomeness which these fictitious numbers represent. For example.
-5 AP = Shift 0
-1 AP = Feeble
1 AP = Poor
3 AP = Typical (My baseline assumption)
4 AP = Good
5 AP = Excellent
6 AP = Remarkable
7 AP = Incredible
8 AP = Amazing
9 AP = Monstrous
10 AP = Unearthly
12 AP = Shift X
14 AP = Shift Y
16 AP = Shift Z
20 AP = Class 1000
25 AP = Class 3000
35 AP = Class 5000
50 AP = Beyond
Now to transpose these "results" into MEGS Attributes and Powers and such. For me it is most important to have a correlation with the MEGS standard attribute matrix, how the attributes are not only valued, but whether they are rooted in Physical, Mental, or Magical class of attribute. If I can't fill up the attribute matrix then I cannot have any conversion.
FASERIP stands for the list of attributes used by Marvel Superhero characters. These seven attributes are Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche. This does leave me two attributes shy of MEGS 9-attribute spread, but it is not unusual for different systems to have a different number of "attributes" for defining a character in game terms. I will work with what I have first.
Fighting = Martial Arts Skill. Yes, this does give any converted Marvel character to have Martial Arts skill in a DC game, but having characters with exceptional fighting skills, no matter how they are defined or acquired, is not a hard proposition to swallow in a superhero game. It does mean I now have to hand-wave three MEGS attributes, not two.
Agility = Dexterity.
Strength = Strength.
Endurance = Body.
Reason = Intelligence.
Intuition = Influence.
Psyche = Mind.
Nothing too complicated here. The relations are rather organic and reasonable. For an example let us now look at She Hulk, a fantastic Marvel superhero, and write her up as a DC Heroes character!
Her Fighting of Remarkable gives her Martial Arts at 6 AP. Agility of Excellent gives a DEX of 5 AP. Strength of Unearthly offers a power level of 10 AP. The last of the three physical attributes is Body, and Endurance is are obvious corollary. 8 AP for Body.
But FASERIP does have numbers for these words. I put them in () above so their progression can be easily seen. Should this be considered when making these kinds of conversions? If Good has a standard ranking number of 10, what are the APs for a ranking number of 100, which is Unearthly. Is 10 APs ten-times greater than 4 APs? Enough to matter? 5 APs is twice, 6 APs is three times, 7 APs are four times greater....7x greater. By my scale Unearthly is only 7x greater than Good, not 10x. That is a problem. Let us consider a solution...
Wednesday, December 6
Gaming & Garbage
What I cherish most about these two friendships is I got the two of them back into TTRPG's. I wrote about getting a face to face game going like 11 years ago when I started this blog. It was this 7 hour long session which got my illustrating friend to active in engaging the industry to sell his illustrations. And he has been doing well. The other friend dragged me to Gencon 2017 to help him with his board game. He couldn't believe I was still playing rpg's. I hadn't been. Just rediscovered them. I got him into my online Basic DnD game which renewed his interest. He went on to run a Gamma World 1E campaign which, while short lived at 20 or so sessions, it was epic Gamma World. A setting guide has come of it and I will be working on getting it closer to publication with him this coming week.
Oh yes, I will be able to deliver another slip case to an AMC Hut with Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game and adventures inside. A gift for the Croo of volunteers which run the huts each summer. This will be the second one (the first being delivered to Madison Springs Hut) and I will be delivering it to the Zealand Falls Hut. This hut is open year round so will be accessible this time of the year instead of being closed up. Hopefully I won't have to do much post-holing along the trail. Not sure what the snow conditions are like in New Hampshire right now.Monday, October 23
Even Heroes Bleed is Back!
The “Even Heroes Bleed” (EHB for those legions of fans) campaign has been revived, with the possibility of new heroes!
Continuing my road trip through old school games, EHB uses the BoHSE (Blood of Heroes Special Edition) rules, which is a 2000 retroclone of DC Heroes 3rd Edition from the now defunct Mayfair Games.
It has come to be my super hero game of choice. It does so much which modern claim to offer as new, such as narrative control, meta-currency, rules for social interaction and simple resolution mechanics. I have used it for over 2 years in regular play. Until schedules changed, and it stopped.... May, June I think.
But now it has resumed with a lead-off solo session with the indomitable Olympian. This adventure falls right after the conclusion of “The Sinister Secrets of Starhold”, and featured Olympian turning his attention to the continued attacks by magically -embued EE’s running riot in Capitol City. Not being magically inclined, the Kordarian Paragon of Power stopped at the last scene of a serious magical attack; the Hunniford Library. There is a librarian knowledgeable in the occult at the library. He hopes to get answers which will help him track down these threats.
But first he checks in on Donna Hannah, the late Dr Avery’s granddaughter, and now a living elemental of air. She is no longer staying at the mansion, preferring to lead a “normal” life back at CCSU. Everything being all good on the home front, the librarian and super hero concoct a means to track the “Lance of Unending Pain”, the artifact stolen by Black Paladin. But it is going to take a bag of cats....
I love the fully realized campaign games I have been playing since returning to ttrpgs. Without one the blog and podcast seem relatively pointless. Because the general purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journeys into fully realized campaign games I never managed as a kid. Counting them off they are pulp sword & sorcery, age of sail, black powder Cthulhu, B/X D&D, Traveller/Space Opera, and now supers.
The line up appears to be the Olympian, Mettle, and Pirlvag. Mr. Zoozoo and Bug have scheduling conflicts, and a new player in Vietnam is hungry to join in. The dooms which stalk the peace of Capitol City is about to go to 11!
Wednesday, October 4
Delta Green First Time
It happens ever so often, I throw out a willingness to run something specific for a one-shot and a few people respond and it gets off the ground for one, two, or three sessions as the particular plot is played out. Most of the times nothing happens. Time doesn't work or no interest in the game proposed. This time I tried something a wincey different, I offered to run whatever a small group of players wanted to to try out. This got three to four people wanting to play Delta Green. Perfect!
Delta Green is modern conspiracy horror. Federal Agents leading a double life as secret commandos on the front lines of supernatural conflict. Built on the venerable BRP game system from Chaosium, the game puts a focus on sanity damage and damage to relationship "Bonds". Otherwise it is straight-up monster hunting in the Cthulhu Mythos.
The group consisted of some gents from Kansas and one from the UK. I used the scenario from the quick-start rules "Last Things Last" for the evenings action. I opened the adventure at Baughman's apartment. The DG agents (two of them) were sweeping the late Claud Baughman's apartment for any Cthulhu contraband the former "Friendly" may have hidden or retained in his domicile. The conspiracy must be concealed! The other two players, as regular uninitiated civilians, show up at Baughman's for their own reasons and an awkward conversation begins.
This is a big part of the game, and really any session of Delta Green, coming up with valid, palatable reasons disparate individuals would work together on strange, deadly shit, let alone trust each other. We spent some time going around on this until we were all satisfied the opening made "sense". After that the game went pretty straight forward, they followed the breadcrumbs, uncovered contraband, confronted by new adversaries looking for something at the second site location, and uncovered the true horror that waited for them.
With bodies being burned and contraband secured the session wrapped up with enough material still open to play another session. Or at least we agreed to play another session. Talk about a possible continuation of a campaign was floated but none of us saw the time nor availability, so talk of a campaign was tabled, for now.
The second session opened right where we last left off. We discussed whether players should get a skill check roll for chance of improvement to skills used last session. We decided not enough time had passed to warrant experience checks. The PCs also discussed their next move, which was nothing more than returning to Capitol City to their Handler and turning over the goods. The trip was immediately interrupted by more villains trying to ram them off the road. They failed Drive rolls so their 1995 Crown Victoria fishtailed into the guard rail coming to the stop. Their attackers demanded some of the contraband from the footlocker they took from Baughman's cabin. The PCs declined. This prompted the villains, one of them at least, to open up with a military-grade assault rifle and try and kill the lot of them. After much ammo was expended the thug with the machine gun was cut down and the Crown Vic was noticeably shot up. The women in the SUV, the last remaining villain, sped off in her suburban while the PCs debated whether to scope up the body in the road and speed after her, or just speed after her. They chose the latter. They decided there was nothing to tie them to the dead guy in the road (they are rural West Virginia at this point) so running down the last living mystery assailant was the best play.
This second car chase goes better for the PCs, They come out on top and the woman is critically wounded (they blew her foot off with a shotgun). She just would not come quietly and tried to shoot her way out of her predicament. And cast magic! She had spoken some strange words, spells it appears. Had made one of the agents see nightmarish hallucinations and one of the civilians to shoot their handgun at an agent. As the session wound down we roleplayed the aftermath. The cops, their Federal Handler, the actual SAIC of the FBI offices in Capitol City, was brought in and we had a chance to go over consequences and next actions. I truly enjoyed playing their handler as they hashed out the events at a roadside stop under cover around some wet picnic tables in a morning drizzle. Smokes were smoked, and things supernatural hashed out. We roleplayed the civilians being introduced to the conspiracy and joining the "cause". At least long enough to find out what their prisoner/detainee wanted out of Baughman's stuff and what she intended to do with it.
All heady stuff, and a successful short-run adventure arc. What did I think? Well, I am well versed in the BRP game system and its many custom games using it, so as the Game Master I didn't have to fuss over rules much. I could spend time on maintaining fidelity with genre being played. Which is good because their is a lot to consider and hand-waving all these plot complications away is very unsatisfying way to play Delta Green. But once the PCs have settled into a good (enough) reason to get in a car with each other, armed with guns, and go out to a cabin in the woods.... well, the session can go for another couple of hours at least without bringing up another set of complications which has to be dealt with in the same manner. I had the usual tension of making sure I shut up often and force the PCs to talk to each other, not me. The more I could keep the conversation on their side of the table with me out of it was an intentional action. Really in a game set in "real-life" settings their is less as a Game Master you have to describe, feed into the Theater of the Mind engine environmentally-wise. Sights, sounds, smells, we all no what a wet highway and damp woods smell like. Which is a plus, because the action is not so much set-piece, site location exploration. It is interacting with people and getting away with what you are trying to do without getting arrested and trashing the character's life.
So I find all modern games, set in contemporary earth must have strong, interesting NPCs to interact with. Feats and gunfights are cool. But when the players start talking in character with each other, arguing really, the game is playing well. As the GM I found my job was to be mindful of when I should interject and prod some forward action and when best to stay out of it and let the players talk their way into their next actions. Horror is tough. The intro adventure provided in the quick-start rules offers a good set up for players to get right into the complications the game sets up for the PCs. The end horror element is good. It's reveal was built up well and came at the right time in the action. I would have no problem recommending Delta Green for those wanting to play contemporary horror roleplaying!
Sunday, December 25
Game Master Advice I Never See
Surprisingly, to me, given the sheer amount of threads started by folks on this topic, I never see much reference to the source material of the genre being suggested as something essential. I mean being steeped in the genre being run. Not just a cursory read of a few books or watching a couple of movies. I mean a deep dive as if one were taking a course study in college.
To be an effective, to be a "good", "great" Dungeon Master, Game Master, Keeper, Star Master and what not, you need to be extremely versed in the genre being run. If you are planning on running a supers game you should be reading comic books all the time. If you have never read comic books much you should go back in time and work your way back up to the present. The grand sweep of the comic tradition should be a topic you can nimbly navigate, process and use at the table. Many folks today seem to be asking how to run a cyberpunk game. Much product is being suggested as the platform of use, but rarely is their an insistence on the asking individual to read a fuck-ton of cyberpunk novels. I would even go so far as recommending extensive reading of the latest technology publications available to the laymen drafting out the latest developments in technology. Climate crisis, political efforts of social constructs, and corporate bloat, basically a master of current events with a bedrock knowledge of cyberpunk literature since William Gibson jump-started the genre. The catalogue of horror literature is incredibly vast. How many Keepers are knowledgeable of Mary Shelly's masterpiece, all of Lovecraft's work into your King and Barker? The horror Game Master also has the task of diving into the incredibly vast library of horror films.
Why? Why would one need to become a scholar of a particular genre to be a good Game Master? It is the underpinning, scaffold, colossal structure supporting every decision the game's referee will make at the table. Creating your mind into a rolodex of genre tropes transcends mechanics and system
The benefits of being a studied master of the genre blow all other considerations being debated on the subject away. Random encounter tables write themselves, adventure ideas come unbidden, thorny knots of character interaction become organic growth under good sun and good soil.
Friday, December 16
End of the Year Round-Up
2022 is rapidly coming to a close and everything gaming is... good. I was real worried my DC Heroes/Blood of Heroes game was coming to an end because due to scheduling conflicts with work, but the players were actually happy with the change. Whew! I mean, nothing to get bitter over if it didn't. The two, two-and-a-half year mark seems to be about the time campaigns in the past have ended, and its always been the same reason. One of the players schedule changes. I take a bit of happiness in the fact when someone has to bow out the rest of the group decides to call the game. The relations and dynamics they all had free-reign to foster became paramount. So when that dynamic ends because someone has to shift their time commitments they (the group) says it has got to end. Validates my feeling everyone at the table played their A-game, and gave each and everyone of us helped create a truly remarkable game experience. I like the stance no game is better than anything less then a great game.
But Even Heroes Bleed (name of the campaign) will continue into 2023. New player joined the group as well. An Artic Indian Spirit protecting the world from the dark side of the pantheon he is part of. Mr. Zozo, a demon paying rent in a human's body, just got a playmate. The Olympian and Mettle are still standing so a good solid group of 4 supers. Feels about right size-wise. I think we may even be able to bring plot threads to a conclusion. There has been a metric-ton of interesting activity in Capitol City, and while super villains have been taken down, taken out, and incarcerated, there are still prime movers out there who have yet to be discovered and violently prosecuted with extreme prejudice. Another development in the campaign has been the acquisition of a group headquarters outside of Mettle's loft apartment in Mint Ridge. With their involvement in the affairs of the late Dr. Avery and his granddaughter the mystic-soaked Avery Mansion has opened its doors to the group. Organic development of classic super hero tropes is what I live for in this campaign!
Deluxe USR Sword and Sorcery got out. Finally. Well, two books out of three at least. Not to worry though, the setting book is well in hand and should be released in the first quarter of 2023. Then I can concentrate on the hard part of roleplaying; coming up with quality adventures which are not a pile of derivative slime. I don't know what these adventures will be, what they will look like, but the daydream portion of creative thought is my favorite part of design and publication.
My once a month dive into FGU's Space Opera is progressing better than I could have hoped. Even though the three of us who make this game go only meet once a month for a couple of hours the session always feels fresh and full of potential. I attribute this to great players playing great characters, and blasters. Blasters are cool. I'm finding the biggest challenge running a sci-fi game is coming up with the BIG idea. The hall mark of all the good science fiction I've read over the years has been that BIG idea, that truly galaxy-sized blob of creative ideas which make you go wow this was a good read. Of course this big idea needs to maintain fidelity with the campaign universe we have been building through play, but there in lies the art, know?
Looks like I am going to get a chance to be a player in a DC Heroes game too. Some time on the other side of the screen is going to feel good. Every chance I've had to run my favorite NPC in the current supers game puts me in touch with the shit I really love about supers. Drama combined with kick ass brawls and destruction on a large scale. Peanut butter and jelly I tell you.
What do I want to see in 2023? A return to a few, solid game conventions. Ghengis Con in Denver being held this February probably won't happen, but I think I can get time off for North Texas. My other convention mission is to go to the Chaosium con. Fingers crossed right now for that gig. And great games of course. I'm continually trying to challenge myself to do "better" as a referee, self-evaluate, and dive deeper into the art. Yeah, ttrpg's are just a wee bit more than just a game for me. There is real valid art under the hood and I have been happily trying to rip out the plugs, oil, and engine block of the beast for nigh on ten years now. So I am completely jazzed about experiencing the fruits of the labor which will occur!
Good gaming to you all, and I'll see you on the other side!
Sunday, September 4
Capitol City Crime Journal - The Red Report
The Even Heroes Bleed supers campaign continues to be a new, dynamic experience for me. Once again I turned over the Game Master reins to Mettle's player Mike to run an adventure of his own devising. When I get a chance to play instead of run I use my favorite vigilante-NPC of the game, Ultra-Rosa. A gun-toting, martial arts master and gadgeteer wizard with red body armor, an array of firearms and a specially modified red 2018 Chrysler 300. Paid off. A female version of the Punisher basically.
Today she got to team up with our newest PC hero, the Olympian. He is a flying brick from another world, a human enhanced alien. Straight up Superman vibe except he is way cooler than the Man of Steel, just saying.
We, as a group, took this detour because the PC hero Mr. Zozo couldn't make it. In a couple of weeks I can't play, so then we are looking at the Olympian and Mr. Zozo teaming up. Making me pay attention to the campaign calendar. With all these side quests going on where everything begins to occur has meaning. Since old-school gaming encourages emergent play the game group is getting a wider world to play in and everyone at the table (including the two co-GMs here) do not know where this all leads and what dramatic outcomes await. My strategy is now no matter who can make the game session we have episodes/issues which can always be played.
To keep the story threads in order I've broken the run so far into several "comic book" series. The main comic line is Even Heroes Bleed. All other story lines have to acknowledge this story line as the main story of the campaign. Every PC hero in the game has had to walk the stage in this blockbuster line. Bug, Mettle, Red Runner, Ultra-Rosa, Olympian, Mr. Zozo.
Mike took us on the campaigns first side quest with the Capitol Point Casino Adventures. These adventures (and today's session) are going to fall under the Capitol City Crime Journal: The Red Report. We have had 10 issues now of this vehicle for Ultra-Rosa's exploits when she is being run by me as a player. The Olympian has had a single issue. This was the episode where I ran just him in an adventure against some visiting galactic bounty hunters.
Now, since I cannot make next session we are going to try and continue the adventure we started today (investigating the New Revelations Church and a string of murders) in Mr. Zozo's own comic book, Road to Redemption, featuring the Macabre Mr. Zozo. Pretty nifty. The game is getting really dynamic and all the PCs feel their efforts make a notable difference in the campaign world. The only thing the game suffers (and this is common in all ttrpgs) is how long it takes to play involved adventures. There are so many potentials and intriguing avenues for rich drama, we will never see them all played out. Ah, the frailty of an rpg world. Only so much of the game world gets told, only so many tales will be spun before life changes our real destinies. And we don't know yet what those will be!
Wednesday, August 31
How to Go Meta on your Supers City-Wide Drug War
Most Superhero campaign cities are going to have their various gangs, organized crime families, and drug lords. And they all via for control of everything shady; gambling, loan-sharking, prostitution, drugs, armed robbery, murder, etc. And the heroes come up with all sorts of ways to put these mangy dogs down. But how effective are the PCs efforts, really? I'm not referring to tactics, what the PCs actually do, but what happens as a result of the PCs smashing up what was otherwise a violent, deranged, antisocial way of making a living.
Most of the time it looks like this; so-and-so gang is fighting with so-and-so criminal family over the lucrative drug trade. The PCs arrive and smash both organizations beyond recognition. Yeah, the neighborhood is saved! And there is no major dealing, death and extortion in the bad part of town for a time. Until it is time to reconnect the PCs with the criminal underground and the GM provides drug-dealing city criminals to replace the ones previously vanquished.
Another common tactic of PCs with an ambivalent attitude towards drug use is to play for a reduced body count out on the streets. People are able to purchase what they want in relative safety and the love gang reaps in a Supers game is to beat hell out of the entire criminal underworld until you are down to just one player. In this scenario the PCs are trading leaving one gang in tact while all others are obliterated in exchange for being the "official" drug dealer of the city.
But while the PCs eyes are off the local drug war ball these numerous urban blights, these self-spawning criminal gangs, are re-filling in the dark cracks and trying to get back in the business.
I wanted to come up with a mini-game to meta-game the overall drug war between the gangs of Capitol City to determine which one is coming on top, on the rise, and posing the greatest threat to the PCs.
My eyes fell on my copy of the satiric card game Grass. It is a point-scoring game with protection cards and different types of "hazard" cards. The dealer who makes $250,000 first wins. So that is how you get multiple rounds of play as a hand has an opening and a close followed by scoring. Rinse and repeat. So the thematic coloring melded perfect for the exercise.
I played four hands to represent 4 weeks of drug trafficking between 4 different "players". Each player was one of the primary gangs in the city. The cards have all sorts of thematic hazard cards so these made nice, punchy random events which could be noted down. Not very exciting. I have to say, I will not do it again. But I did get notes for a nice detailed timeline of events and relative cash asset values for each gang which I can use as needed. These stupid little things create elements which help make a living game world, but it is still a labor of love than something mind-blowingly cool.Saturday, July 16
The Winding Waterslide of RPG Terms
The new buzz word for running a ttrpg correctly is the “waterslide”. This is used in contrast to both railroad and the sandbox style of play. The waterslide “slides” in between these two supposed modes of play. I say supposed because when I cracked opened my Moldvay Basic Dungeons & Dragons for the first time when I was eleven, I knew what the fuck Tom was talking about, explaining to me about this new form of play. It was more like being introduced to a mode of play I had been looking for but didn’t exist until DnD. There are no terms like the above being used in Moldvay’s description of the ttrpg concept.
“‘Winning’ and ‘Losing’, things important to most games do not
apply to D&D games! The DM and the players do not play against each other,
even though the DM often plays the role of various monsters which threaten the
player characters. The DM must not take sides. He or she is a guide and a
referee, the person who keeps the action flowing and creates exciting
adventure. Player characters have fun by overcoming fantastic obstacles and
winning treasure, but this does not end the game. Nor is the game ‘lost’ when
an unlucky player’s character dies, since the player may simply ‘roll up’ a new
character and continue playing. A good D&D campaign is similar to the
creation of a fantasy novel, written by the DM and the players.” Tom Moldvay,
p. B4, Basic Rules.
Like much of human communication, everything gets lost in
translation. Preconceived expectations or a prepared agenda is how we approach
new things. This approach is a dumpster fire when applied in the prosecution of
creative endeavors. And make no mistake, ttrpgs are a creative endeavor. It
follows the current of art and artistic process which mere “games” do not. And
people are generally bad at being creative due to fear of the unknown and a
required intimacy. Two things ttrpgs generate in abundance: mystery and
intimacy. Two things people in general have a hard time with. I mean anything
in life we encounter which doesn’t come with a guidebook, except those among
use correctly wired not to pause and assess, freaks us out. Guard rails,
boundaries, and a reluctance to participate are common reactions as well. I’m a fierce creative because I lack fully
developed executive functions. My brain never gets enough satisfaction from
goals achieved with a need for greater and greater emotional hits. I lack an
appreciation of consequence because I’m not living in the future like normal
people. Reckless, I am reckless to a dangerous degree.
The one good thing being a reckless, impatient person
affords me is obsession and openness. When I don’t know where I’m going, I have
developed a “let it happen” psychic state. This is due to a lifetime of not
knowing where I’m going. I better see the current experience with less me and
more clear, present reality. A very good mental state to find when wants to use
the imagination and be creative. This is a long, round about way of saying I
can get over myself when involved in artistic pursuits. Less direct action and
more paying attention.
What this all means, to me, is not many people involved in
the hobby actually read the section on how to play the game. I’ll guess
dedicated players pretty much not at all and DM I’ll give it 30%. 3 out of 10
DMs read the section on how to play the game.
The reason most eschew such relevant information at the
outset of their gaming career is because they are not reading to learn how to
play the game but reading to find out what they are going to get out of playing
the game. “What do I get?” Well, you get nothing. Nothing any regular game
promises to give. Those who develop a fine taste and ability in ttrpgs
understood this deal at the outset. These games are not about what you get out
of them, they are insatiably demanding you give to it. An empty balloon which
will take all your effort and breath to inflate. And once it is full and takes
shape, you may not like it. It may blow up into a shape neither desired nor
expected. It may blow up in your face, a stinging rebuke against half-hearted
There is no sandbox, there is no railroad, there is just a
tool to leverage your imagination, and for most involved in playing ttrpg’s
this is a no-go. The generic terms of the ttrpg deal are utterly beyond
comprehension for most. Therefore, you have many gamers looking for something
never promised by the game. So it gets made up.
My recommendation for those who want to get the most out their
ttrpg experience is to take an art class with a teacher who does not prioritize
technique over creativity but teaches creativity. The medium being just the
tool being used to act. Personal lessons taking from such an approach will be develop
your ttrpg ability more than anything else I can think of.
Monday, June 27
Wargamers roleplayed first.
Recognizing Wargames as patient zero in what would become tabletop rpg’s and go on to infect the brains of millions of nerds breeding ground is usually brought up in the context of demonstrating how DnD is shit for roleplay. Besides the open abyss of vapidness which overtakes me when this discussion occurs. Mostly because it is soft talk around the fact maybe you suck at the game and the person juuust can’t get their head around that. Besides all this, it is the clear miss of most to consider wargames as devoid of roleplay.
Wargames are historical simulations which get turned into
games because optimizing routine behavior is hard-wired into humans. The
historical simulation thrill of orchestrating sweeping military campaigns takes
back seat in concern of the win. Aside from the obvious competitive urge which
can get me to take my eye off of the wargame ball, which I call immersion. I
want to see what it would be like to command armies and experience the
decisions these commanders faced. If I have no connection to the historical
context of the game, I end up playing a complicated game of checkers, looking
to leverage all advantages in the system to score a “hit”. Even if I have a
keen interest in the historical action depicted, I easily drift into a competitive
mindset. I must beat the other person if I am to consider the game fulfilled. That
is why I always end up playing the game two times, I’m sure.
But I also can get into the groove. I can tell the stories in
my head of the sections and squadrons, what they did on that day. The flipped
over chit on the hex map is now the smoldering pile of defeated men and
machines. And it is happening on a certain day, a certain hour under certain weather
conditions. I feel the wind in my face as I lean against the hatch, scanning
the horizon for the enemy. Fuck, I can roleplay the shit out of my wargame. I didn’t
call it that because I had never heard of ttrpg’s when I first started playing
at Rommel in the Libyan desert.
And that is the wargame ball and it has been an immersive
roleplay experience ever since Tactics hit the table for a shit-ton of people
who enjoy this kind of thing. If you can ttrpg a wargame you can roleplay anything
which comes after marketing itself as a ttrpg. Wargames don’t lack the role
play experience; it just doesn't appeal to many people. It is mostly a solitary
experience, that is the key difference. Once you start thinking how to make the
experience a shared one with multiple people you will notice the nugget of gold
which is buried in a wargame can be extracted and applied to other imaginary experiences.
Not something better either, just different. I want to get my rocks off this
way as well as that way.
DnD didn’t introduce ttrpg’s to the world, wargamers had
already created this for themselves. Eventually someone participating would
(and did) make the connection simulated fantasy play would have broad appeal. And
they worked on it until they had what they were after. And they were right to
do so.
Monday, June 20
SciFi Setting Size Comparison
I finally got around to sizing up the Space Opera official universe and the Traveller official universe to see how they compared size-wise to each other. First I need to figure out how big a Traveller Subsector is and compare that to a Space Opera Star Sector, these being the basic unit of measurement for their respective maps of known space.
The Star Sector for SO is easy to figure out, a 200 ly x 200 ly x 200 ly cube of space (ly = light year). Here is a picture of the Star Sector map for The Confederate Systems Alliance.
There is no superimposed hex grid over the sector map, only grid locations indicated by letters and numbers coded on the top and side of the map. Much like a street map. For example, Doug's Groceries is in grid BB04. Everything is plotted on an x/y/z axis, with the Star Sector's Primary as the 0/0/0 point. The maps are created to scale, 1 cm = 10 ly. To find your straight-line distance between planetary systems you plug in your values into your formula for a right triangle. For example, Janus to Lilith is 128 ly apart.
Classic Traveller (CT) on the other hand, measures distances by the parsec. A parsec is 3.26 ly. The traditional Subsector map is laid out on a hex map 10 x 8. So 32.6 ly x 26.08 ly. There are no values for up or down, the map is a 2-dimensional representation. The distance between two planetary systems is determined by the number of hexes needed to cross to get there. Therefore if a system is three hexes away that system is 9.78 ly away.
It is clear already the SO universe is much larger than the CTU (Classic Traveller Universe). But how much bigger? CT does offer us another map scale, the Sector. A Sector is made up of 16 Subsectors arranged in a 4x4 grid. 130 ly x 104.32 ly. Here is the well-known map of the Third Imperium by Sector.
This map is arranged 8 Sectors x 16 Sectors, which, if using the Sector values established above yields 1,040 ly x 1,669.12 ly for known space in the CTU.
Here is a similar map for SO;
These are 200 ly x 200 ly cubes so sizing it up against the CTU should be a snap. 5.2 cubes x 8.34 cubes. It looks like to me the Space Opera universe is about 6 times the size of Traveller!
Saturday, May 21
Cartoon Olympics, Toon! solo-play
Trying to get a pickup game going this afternoon and someone suggested Toon! Needed to be played. Now I must confess I never played a game of Toon! When it came out in 1984. I did see it flopped out at my high school gaming table and I remember reading the rulebook. At 68 pages that was light for a rule book in the mid-eighties.
So, seeing as a game of something didn’t look like it would
get off the ground this afternoon, I decided to roll up a pair of Toon
characters. I used random rolls and got
Kasper Kangaroo and Clock-a-Doodle the Time-Sensitive Chicken. Kasper wears
boxing trunks, believes she is the best boxer of all time and is extremely possessive
of anything she has in her pouch. Clock-a-Doodle believes being on time is very
important and wears an alarm clock around his neck and a Christmas sweater for
clothes. I have thirty points to spread around a character’s skills and this is
a simple process.
Now thumbing through the actual rules on how to do things I
come across an introductory adventure, the Cartoon Olympics. Some solo
roleplaying in order, perhaps? Why not, it is only Toon, this cannot be too
complicated (side note, the slim rulebook comes with this adventure and four
additional. That is five adventures in one game book of a very short page
count. Sure, they are short, but that is in genre. So my hats off to Greg Kostikyan
for going the extra mile and giving the new player something to play with. More
rule books should include five adventures in their pages.
Let the Cartoon Olympics begin! Our first contest of the
games is a boxing match. How fortunate for Kasper. She packs one powerful kick
and is a natural in boxing gloves. Poor Clock-a-Doodle had a woefully
inadequate Fight skill but has a very high Dodge skill. This could turn into a
bit of a running circle. Obviously, the object of the first contest is to knock
the other player out.
The ref is an old blind mole, and she is responsible for
firing a starting gun at the beginning of each contest. But this is a boxing
match, you ring a bell. The adventure calls for the blind mole to randomly
shoot, accidentally, at one of the PCs when they pull the trigger of the
starting gun. Now this is a big, exaggerated, cumbersome revolver and the old thing
can barely raise the pistol. The ring side announcer yells for her to stop. You
are supposed to ring the bell for a boxing match, not shoot the gun. Blind
grandma mole can’t hear either, apparently. Mole shoots at Kasper who blows her
Dodge roll. The bullet ricochets off Kasper’s head (causing 3 points of damage)
and strikes the bell to start round 1.
Clock-a-Doodle takes advantage of the reeling Kasper and
tries to talk her into lying down. “You just took a bullet to the head. Why don’t
you just rest right down hear on the mat and get back your strength.” Clock-a-Doodle
clucks. If he can get Kasper to lie down, he can win the match due to knock out!
But Kasper is too cagey of a character.
“Wise cracking chicken, I’ll show you who needs a rest!”
Kasper winds up and throws a haymaker. Clock-a-Doodle easily dodges and the
bell rings concluding round one.
Round 2 begins with Kasper keeping a good eye on old blind
grandma mole and sure enough she lets loose an errant shot to begin the round.
Fortunately for the boxing cartoon animals her shot this time goes wildly
amiss, eventually finding its way back to mole, knocking her out, then striking
the bell to begin the round. Clock-a-Doodle yanks out from under his feathers a
cracked Bic pen and with a mouth of sloppy spit wads fires a volley at Kasper.
The chicken has no fighting ability so is going to have to win this fight at a
distance. Kasper Kangaroo leaps and bobs around the shots and lands on her feet
“Try and dodge this!” Kasper pulls out from her kangaroo
pouch a stick of dynamite, lights it, and lobs it at Clock-a-Doodle. She
figures it will be hard to dodge an area effect attack. She also neglects to
figure she will probably be in the blast radius to.
With a terrified squawk Clock-a-Doodle flaps his wings and
flies up above the ring and the lit stick of dynamite. “Not going to turn me
into a six-piece McNugget.”
Kasper screams, “Disqualified. Besides not being able to
wear boxing gloves, the damn chicken has left the ring. But her plea falls on
deaf ears, literally. Grandma Mole still snoozes away, knocked out from her own
gunshot. KABLAM. The dynamite goes off and Kasper takes another 3 points of
damage. She only has 2 more. As for Clock-a-Doodle, he has so far come through
the fight unscathed. This is starting to really work Kasper up. The round is
concluded and the two cartoon animals return to their corners.
Both these characters took enemies at character creation, Clock-a-Doodle
listed a fox and Kasper Kangaroo put down a crocodile. So these characters pop
up as their respective trainers in their corner’s. The each get some respective
fight advice which amounts to nothing more than oblique references and non-sequiturs.
As the third and final round begins both boxers plead with
grandma mole to hold off with the starting gun. Their plea goes unheeded, the
gun is fired, everyone ducks (including mole) the bell is struck and the round begins!
Clock-a-Doodle looks at his watch. “Ah, right on time. Make way for the nine o’clock
speedball express!” He pulls out a train whistle and gives a long blast. Grandma
Mole lifts up the ropes to the boxing ring and lets a steam locomotive come
barreling into the ring straight at Kasper Kangaroo.
This is when my Discord server starts binging and a couple
of players have gotten together and want me to run another session of Classic
Traveller in my Shattered Worlds campaign universe. Off to Vandars Dome, but
before I go, I just want to give a nod to this nifty game from way back when. What
is Toon good for? Besides a lighthearted break from any serious dark gaming you
may be doing, the elastic nature of the cartoon universe will keep you on your
toes improve-wise. Which is always a good skill to continue to develop in any
of your games.