I threw my hat in the ring two weeks ago for a design editor position opening up at Paizo. I thought why not. Because I wanted to see if my experience to date in the world of rpg publishing would get my feet in the door. I think I came upon the announcement with like a day before they closed the application process.
Who doesn't want to know that? Besides, I know jack-shit about Pathfinder/Starfinder. Never ran a game of it, never read a rulebook. But I do consider myself a student of the art, and I like to think after all the projects I put myself through I got a handle on the business. At some point you become your own authority and a pro performs without a net. I'm going back over the completed document. Looking for anything I can re-sharpen. And sending it out after I get done typing this post. Ahead of deadline by twenty hours.
I do not intend to take the job if offered. I have another job lined up which is close to home with better pay and benefits. Besides, I have worked from home enough to know social isolation leads to depression and drink. No, I am in it for the validation. Once again to see if I can hit a mark set by others, not myself. And if the offer does come forth probably the best way to get a freelance gig. Which suits me a whole lot better. I'll keep you all informed.