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Wednesday, April 21

Arsonist Arrested! Blood of Heroes Session Report

 This is the wrap-up from the previous post. 

The conclusion of our latest issue of Even Heroes Bleed had Mettle spinning about the city like a whirling dervish. 

She convinced the Nubians the principles behind the warring Civil Guard's actions is currently at Hannigan's Irish Bar & Grill. She also stresses the arsonist, this insano calling himself Jury, should be found there as well. Mettle lays out to Jimmy Mac the support of the biker gang by city police and now is the chance to cut off the head of the snake. Without a radical White Supremacist biker gang at their disposal it will be much harder for the police to get more minority neighborhoods burned down! Mettle even throws in the dead White Patriot's car, sans hood, a 1968 Ford Shelby Mustange. "You park that in front of Hannigan's and start playing Rap on the radio you are sure to flush them out."

The heroes get in touch with a different television news station and hand over their Go-Pro coverage of their fight with Jury and Wotan. Mettle also suggests, anonymously, the arsonist terrorizing the city is about to be arrested at Hannigan's Bar & Grill in the next hour. The last tip-off the dynamic duo makes is to the Federal Bureau of Enhanced Entities Capitol City HQ. They are actually trying to reach Superfrog. The power Wotan displayed has made Bug and Mettle desirious of a superhero with aproximately the same strength and damage capacity. Phillip Madhur, Special Agent in Charge (Garvick Nurse is missing) says the green superhero is not available but happy to take a message.

Madhur does his best to talk Mettle into coming into FBEE HQ's. He wants to see her get on the right side of the law. With the powers displayed downtown during the BLM attacks she is breaking the law by not getting registered. Mettle declines. Madhur does take her tip on the arsonist seriously and rolls three Chevy Suburbans stuffed with armed agents and heads for RedHill where the bar is located.

Bug is babysitting the bar, expecting to have to throw down if either of the dangerous supervillains is present. The Nubians park the mustang and start laying down some loud tracks. Not disappointing, angry bikers with pistols and AR's spill out of Hannigan's and start shooting at the Nubians, taking cover behind some parked pick up trucks. Nubians fire back with their pistols and shotguns. As soon as Jury leaps out into the street to wipe out the Nubians Bug drops down onto the street and confronts the Living Flame, that which Wotan transformed the arsonist into, a liuving embodiment of elemental fire.

The searing heat and flames streaming out of Jury's arms almost overwhelms Bug, but the insect-mimicking powers he possesses gives him the hardened protection he needs to stay alive. Bug's devistating punch sends Jury across the street and into a pick up truck. Jury hit so hard the pick up truck tips on its side before settling back down. The driver side of the vehicle punched in by the impact of Jury's body. The enhanced entity of Jury is knocked senseless at the hands of Bug again. 

At this point the Feds roll on the scene and gangsters on both sides flee. Some on foot, some in a nearby vehicle. The feds surround the still flame-flickering Jury and start blocking off the crime scene. With the arrival of the press it looks like the city will learn of the fire-bug who has burning down their homes. The FBEE will be able to put a feather in their cap with this high-profile arrest!

Mettle and Bug are disappointed Wotan (disguised as the Civil Guard leader Reico) was not there. This means the dangerous enhanced entity is still out there and capable of attacking the PCs with deadly force. Bug and Mettle settle in for the evening and begin planning their next step...

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